Membership of the Governing Body 2024/2025
Name | Category | Most recent appointment date | Date of Retirement |
Miss Z J Linington | Ex Officio Headteacher | N/A | N/A |
Mrs H Waddington | Ex Officio Deputy Headteacher | N/A | N/A |
Mr M Duffy | Staff Governor | August 2024 | August 2027 |
Vaughan Johnson | Foundation Governor | August 2024 | August 2026 |
Gareth Tranter | Local Authority Governor | July 2024 | June 2028 |
Rev Liz Oglesby-Elong | Ex Officio Foundation Governor | N/A | N/A |
Vacancy | Foundation Governor | ||
Dan Pallett | Co-opted Governor | December 2020 | November 2024 |
Mike Sladen | Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor, | February 2023 | January 2027 |
Peter Giles | Co-opted Governor | May 2022 | April 2026 |
Hayley Learoyd | Vice Chair , Co-opted Governor | October 2022 | October 2025 |
Vacancies | Co-opted Governor x 2 | ||
Carla Molinari | Parent Governor | December 2023 | November 2027 |
David Short | Parent Governor | December 2023 | November 2027 |
Vacancy | Parent Governor | ||
Vacancy | Parent Governor |
Clerk to the Governors: Vacancy Email:
Committee Membership Register of Pecuniary Interest
Governors’ Attendance Log Instrument of Government
The Governing Body
Welcome to our school web site – this section covers the work of the Governing Body at Edward Peake School.
Why Have a Governing Body?
- Every school is required by law to have a governing body and the school’s Instrument of Government sets out the size and composition of that body.
- The Governing Body, in partnership with the Head teacher and the Local Authority (LA), is responsible for the strategic management of the school; it is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and the staff to manage the school on a day to day basis as set out in the policies made by the governing body in its strategic role.
- The governing body is made up of people who represent a variety of interests important to school life for example parents and people from the local community.
What are the Governing Bodies responsibilities?
- Governors work as a team and their main role is to help raise standards of achievement. They are accountable for the performance of the school to parents, Ofsted, the LA and the wider community.
- They contribute to decisions on the school’s budget and staffing, selecting the Head Teacher and making sure the school provides for all its pupils, including those with different needs. Governors work with the Head Teacher, who is responsible for the day to day management of the school, to provide the best possible education for all children.
What are Governors expected to do?
- Being a governor involves a commitment of time and energy as attendance at every half-termly governing body meeting is expected. To help share the responsibilities governors are also required to serve on committees or working parties. Governors also undertake visits into school during the working day and have responsibility for specific aspects of the school and curriculum areas.
- One of the most important things a governor has to remember is confidentiality. Governors must honour their privileged position and not discuss any matters outside of the governors meeting.
- Governors support the school by being a critical friend, contributing to discussions and decision making. Governors agree to discuss any concerns with the Head Teacher and, above all, will always try to be constructive. Governors must abide by the majority view.
The role of governor is very rewarding enabling individuals to use existing skills and learn new ones. New governors are supported with induction training and peer support as well as access to a comprehensive training programme provided by the LA.