Edward Peake C of E (VC) School is proud of its traditional links with the Church and this is reflected in our admissions criteria for surplus places. As an LA school, the process of admissions is handled by the Local Authority, where parents should normally apply for places.

Admissions Process

We use the admissions procedure of Central Bedfordshire for all our students. Further details can be found by clicking on the following link:  Central Bedfordshire Council Admissions

 In-Year Admissions

For entry to the school other than in September, parents may approach the Headteacher, in the first instance, to view the school before applying for a place. The same criteria for admissions will be used by the school in allocating places at this time.

The form is available to be downloaded from the Local Authority website. Please use the following link: In-Year Admissions

Qualification for Admission

The published admission number is 180.

The designate measuring point of the school is the Headteacher’s office.

If there are fewer applications than places available at a school all applicants will be admitted. If there are more applications than places available, the criteria below will be used to prioritise applications. The admissions criteria will be applied separately and sequentially until all places are filled. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria.

Edward Peake C of E (VC) School
Published Admission Number: 180
Designated measuring point: Headteacher’s office
1. All looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children
who appear to the Council to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to
be in state care as a result of being adopted.
2. Children of staff
3. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school
4. Children living in the catchment area
5. Children living outside the catchment area with siblings at the school
6. Children, one or more of whose parents/carers have, at the time of application, shown
commitment to the Church of England or another Christian church by attending a service
at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made*.
7. Children attending Dunton VC Primary, Northill Academy, Sutton VA Primary, Potton Primary and Biggleswade Academy
8. Any other children

*A Christian Church is defined as one which is a member, or is eligible for membership, of Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance. Applications in this category will need to ask their priest or minister to complete the relevant section of the local authority common application form.

Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as one who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a persons’ ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Most children with Special Needs will not be disabled within the meaning of the Act.

The admission of pupils with disabilities is considered in the first instance in the same way as non-disabled pupils. Further considerations are made in the light of need and accessibility. It is the School Governors’ Policy to accommodate pupils with disabilities should parents wish their child to attend the school.  Steps are taken to prevent any pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils. In practice we ensure that classroom and extra-curricular activities encourage the participation of all pupils, including those categorised as having Special Educational Needs. Staff organise human and physical resources within the school to increase access to learning and participation by all pupils. The School strives to ensure that whatever the abilities and needs of members of the school community, everyone is equally valued and treats one another with respect under the Equality Act 2010.

Admissions Policies

Community and Voluntary Controlled schools Admission Arrangements for Academic Year 2024/25

Edward Peake C of E (VC) School Central Bedfordshire Council Admission Policy for Academic Year 2024/25

Edward Peake C of E (VC) School Admissions Policy 2024/25