UK Government (Department for Education), Sustainability and Climate Change: a strategy for the education and children’s services systems.
The Government’s vision is for the UK to have a world-leading education sector in sustainability and climate change by 2030.
In England, it aims to achieve this through the following strategic aims:
1. Excellence in education and skills for a changing world: preparing all young people for a world impacted by climate change through learning and practical experience.
2. Net zero: reducing direct and indirect emissions from education and care buildings, driving innovation to meet legislative targets and providing opportunities for children and young people to engage practically in the transition to net zero.
3. Resilience to climate change: adapting our education and care buildings and system to prepare for the effects of climate change.
4. A better environment for future generations: enhancing biodiversity, improving air quality and increasing access to, and connection with, nature in and around education and care settings.
Climate change is a key moral and spiritual issue of our time.
The Diocesan Board of Education supports diocesan schools’ thinking around climate change and carbon neutral through its innovative Heart for the Earth resources.