At Edward Peake we consult parents/carers of pupils with SEND and involve them in their childâs education.
- Recorded Planning / Progress meetings
- Parentâs Evenings
- Written reports
- Methods of communication: Meetings, telephone, letters, email and text
- SEND reviews (Provision Plans) quarterly
- Annual reviews for Statements/EHCPs
At Edward Peake we consult pupils with SEND and involve them in their education.
- Planning meetings
- Progress meetings
- SEND reviews (Provision Plans) quarterly
- Annual reviews for Statements/EHCPs
Parents who have a concern regarding the provision for their childâs SEND should contact their childâs SENDCo in the first instance. Should you remain dissatisfied your specific concerns should be addressed to the Headteacher. If you are still unhappy, the Governing Body Member for SEND should be contacted and a meeting arranged.