Edward Peake C of E (VC) Middle School has undergone significant expansion in order to provide an additional 120 middle school places in Biggleswade. Â In September 2016, we officially opened a new two storey accommodation block with relocated administration, a two court sports hall with associated changing facilities; four state of the art teaching rooms; a bus turning area and extended hard play area. The original hall and gym space have been combined to provide a much improved dining, worship and performance space.
We are fortunate to occupy a spacious building with ample playing fields. Â The school is light, well-planned and well supplied with resources. Â The first phase of building was completed in 1975 and the Year 5 and 6 classroom block in 1980.
There are two fully equipped science labs, seventeen general teaching rooms and a learning support unit â âThe Peakeâ.
The library is centrally located with a wide range of both fiction and non-fiction books. Our newly completed Music department provides keyboarding and recording facilities. Â There is a Music Practice Room, which is regularly used for peripatetic music lessons.
Art, Design and Technology have three teaching rooms with specialist areas for the teaching of textiles, fine arts, food technology and resistant materials.
Our outdoor sports facilities include tennis courts, a hard games area, a large field with space for four pitches or a full sized athletic track and long jump pits. The football pitches are floodlit.
The school benefits from two computer suites enabling computing to be class taught and for Information Technology to feature in other subject areas. Two trolleys contain 20 laptops each and allow for digital literacy to be one component of any classroom lesson. Â All teaching rooms are equipped with interactive white boards, six of which are the latest HD touch screen technology. All teaching staff use digital technology as part of their teaching.
The school Virtual Learning Environment enables pupils and parents to access learning resources in school and at home via the internet. Computing and other subjects are moving to an internet based learning environment.
In addition we now have a class set of 30 Samsung Tablets which use the latest android technology. The tablets allow pupils to access a wider range of android apps to support their learning.
Pupils in Year 5 and 8 have two hours of discreet Computing lessons per week, while those in Year 6 and 7 are taught for one hour. The new computing curriculum focuses on computer systems and programming, emerging technologies and the safety of young people whilst using digital devices online.
Edward Peake Church of England Middle School is pleased to be able to play a close and leading role in the Stratton Pyramid of lower and middle schools, which, together with Stratton Upper School, provide continuous 3 to 19 education for the Biggleswade area. All schools recognise their interdependence and work hard to establish and maintain close links and shared practice to ensure that transfer and transition through the phases is as smooth as it can be.
At Edward Peake we expect high standards of attendance and punctuality. The attendance target for this year is 96% and we hope to better this. We reward high attendance through a house completion and with class awards. We recognise that at times absence is unavoidable however in cases of prolonged absence; 5 school days or more we expect medical evidence to be provided. This can be in the form of an appointment slip from the doctor or other medical professional, or a copy of a prescription to show that a visit to the doctor has occurred. It is important that we are aware of any medical issues so that we can offer the best possible support in school.
We set very high standards for behaviour and discipline. We expect pupils to conform to a code of conduct which is reasonable but protects the rights of the individual. If pupils fail to conform to this code, we employ a clear stepped approach to dealing with behaviours. Details of this can be found in the Behaviour for Learning Policy which can be found in the âSchool Policiesâ section of the school website.
When children enter the school we ask that both they and their parents enter into a âHome School Agreementâ with us in order to ensure that all parties understand their rights and responsibilities as part of the community of Edward Peake Church of England Middle School.
Our Ofsted inspections have all commented on the good relationships which exist between our children. However, no school can ever be free of examples of bullying. We try to be vigilant and respond quickly whenever children tell us of problems they are experiencing. We also have a peer mentoring service known as EP Buddies, where children can access one to one support from older trained pupils.
Our credit system, where children earn credits for work which is completed to the best of their ability, encourages children to work independently. Credits are recorded in their diaries for staff and parents to see and celebrate. Certificates are awarded for reaching 25 credits (and multiples thereof) and these awards are broadcast on the digital signage and in assemblies. Children also receive a raffle ticket for every multiple of 10 credits gained. These are entered into a grand prize draw at the end of the school year for each year group.
From time to time, parents may have concerns about an aspect of their childâs education. Often these concerns will resolve themselves, but on occasions parents may feel that the issue will need the schoolâs help to be resolved.
As partners in your childâs education, the school wishes to work with you in the resolution of problems. A stepped complaints procedure is available for inspection in the policies section of the school website, to show which steps may be taken.
Apart from KS2 SATs, we test children in English and Mathematics using summative tests at the beginning and end of each year. Testing is aimed to show what has been achieved in relation to the programmes of study covered so that we can compare our progress with national expectation and set ourselves targets for achievement.
As well as formal national testing, the school regularly assesses and tracks progress in all subjects to encourage pupils to aim for their highest personal goals. Each term a graded assessment is made in each subject and the progress across the board is analysed. Pupils who are identified as not making expected progress for their ability are set personal targets and monitored by the curriculum co-ordinators and Year leaders.
A system of formal class teacher conferencing with each pupil gives teachers opportunity to discuss progress and problems, to review targets and encourage effort.
At Edward Peake C of E (VC) Middle School we operate a vertically tiered house system which is designed to nurture teamwork, leadership and cooperation skills. The houses are named after notable historical characters from Biggleswade: Albone (green), Penrose (red), Ryland (blue) and Tealby (gold). A range of sporting, artistic and academic activities take place throughout the year using house teams. These include events such as âSport for All Dayâ, âMaths Championâ and Key Stage talent shows.
Children can gain house points by participating in house events, demonstrating the school values and making a positive contribution in lessons. The house cup is awarded on a termly basis and the winning house is rewarded for their efforts.
From Thursday 5th November our SENDCo will be available every Monday and Thursday afternoon for any parent or carer of a pupils with special educational needs who wishes to meet with them to discuss any queries or concerns regarding your child’s provision.
Appointments, lasting 10 minutes are available between 1.30pm and 3.30pm each Monday and Thursday and must be booked in advance.
If you wish to meet with our SENDCo, Mr Smith, please ring the school office to arrange a time.