We set very high standards for behaviour and discipline. We expect pupils to conform to a code of conduct which is reasonable but protects the rights of the individual. If pupils fail to conform to this code, we employ a clear stepped approach to dealing with behaviours. Details of this can be found in the Behaviour for Learning Policy which can be found in the ‘School Policies’ section of the school website.
When children enter the school we ask that both they and their parents enter into a ‘Home School Agreement’ with us in order to ensure that all parties understand their rights and responsibilities as part of the community of Edward Peake Church of England Middle School.
Our Ofsted inspections have all commented on the good relationships which exist between our children. However, no school can ever be free of examples of bullying. We try to be vigilant and respond quickly whenever children tell us of problems they are experiencing. We also have a peer mentoring service known as EP Buddies, where children can access one to one support from older trained pupils.
Our credit system, where children earn credits for work which is completed to the best of their ability, encourages children to work independently. Credits are recorded in their diaries for staff and parents to see and celebrate. Certificates are awarded for reaching 25 credits (and multiples thereof) and these awards are broadcast on the digital signage and in assemblies. Children also receive a raffle ticket for every multiple of 10 credits gained. These are entered into a grand prize draw at the end of the school year for each year group.