The PTA’s primary aim is to raise funds for Edward Peake, with which to purchase “extras” which are not otherwise affordable under the school’s budget. We aim to do this in a way that also provides enjoyable and rewarding events and services for our school community.
Fundraising ideas are initially decided upon by a committee of volunteers who meet several times a term. We rely on a valuable network of parent and carer helpers for the organisation and running of events.
In the past, the PTA has been able to finance many important items for the school including sewing machines, keyboards, the Trim Trail, and the minibus. We work very closely with the Headteacher; Miss Z J Linington, and the teaching staff.
We have a host of regular fundraising events, including clothing collections, quiz nights, market stall sales, and the school lottery.
If you want to be on the committee, can help at an event, or have an idea for a fundraiser that has worked for other organisations, please get in touch. Whether you are interested in getting involved or just want to know more about what goes on. Please email the school office on