The member of the school’s governing body with responsibility for SEND is Mrs H Learoyd.
The Leader of Inclusion is Mrs H Waddington and our SENDCo is Ms Anderson.
The school is fortunate to have a very well-qualified and experienced team of Teaching Assistants (TAs), who provide in-class support and small group work for students with SEND. Mrs C Warren-Perri assists Mrs Waddington & Ms Anderson with the organisation and delivery of the SEND provision.
All learning support non-teaching staff attend relevant training alongside teaching colleagues on INSET days and also have their own training sessions relating to specific aspects of learning need, relevant to the pupil cohort.
Both class teachers and pastoral staff in the school have had experience of a wide range of SEND and receive regular training on types of need. Induction for new staff includes meetings with the SENCO and Director of Inclusion, to familiarise them with aspects of SEND work within the school.
Ms Anderson
Miss C Warren-Perri
Teaching Assistants
Mrs K Bilcock
Mr A Clark
Mrs J Gumbo
Ms R Heeney
Mrs D Page
Mrs S Pratt
Mrs L Proctor
Miss L Chennells
Mrs E Baumber
Miss N Anderson
Mrs C Matthews