Jo Gaunt from Impact visited our school to share the experience of prayer spaces with the children. Pupils from Year 6 and Year 8 were given opportunities to reflect and pray.

The Plasma Ball

“It reminded me of God because when someone

touched it, it followed their finger.” Jonathan


"Life is always so busy, but a moment’s reflection

can make such a difference."

Paper Plate Prayers

"Thank you.  It was nice and calm to let me get rid

of the bad things in my head."

The Parachute

“It helped me write down my emotions.” Nicole

What do you want to ask God?

“It reminded me that wherever you are,

God is with you.” Jack


“I liked this part because it was bright and colourful.

It made me think that we are very lucky to live in a

colourful and lovely world that God created and loved at first sight.”






Engraved on the palm of my hands

It is truly beautiful and mesmerising.

Fizzy Tablets

“...It washed away all the bad things

we have done in the past.”


Prayer Spaces

It was cool.  I enjoyed it.  Nice to be alone for a while

– no noise – just peace.

Asking God questions

I enjoyed this.  It is a time to reflect on anything

and it makes me feel calm.

To find out more about Impact please follow the link below